Thinking about the Brain
The human brain has approximately 100 billion cells, comparable to the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. What stretch of the mind’s perception to think so vast an array in space could be likewise contained in the 3 lb mass of tissue of our own brain. Institute of Creation Research (ICR) scientists as well as many others who hold to the truth that man has not evolved from lesser life forms hold this powerful tool of the memory in high regard for evidence of God’s handiwork.
The human brain, the supercomputer of the mind, carries out necessary functions using cells called neurons and galials. These cells are transported along memory traces or memory engrams (not to be confused with the erroneous teachings of scientology) allowing the cells to connect via synapses. These functions contain incomprehensibly complex systems, only functionally understood by science, that allow categorized, systematic memory functions to be carried out. A major argument for the functional form in the creation of the brain is the lack in benefit brought about by an incomplete system. However, the fully functioning brain is a mastery of “Supply Chains” that put UPS and just about anything else to shame.
One amazing, yet simple thought about the functioning brain is the nature of memory itself. Without memory communication would be impossible. The mind must have conscious and determined recall of previously stored information. Perhaps even more amazing than systematic organization is the ability to decipher between declarative and procedural information along with the “sorting” of long term, short term, and working memory. These abilities reveal a purpose and plan behind the creation of such a marvelous system.
^he system of memory in the human brain is cleverly unique. Most animals are given instincts that govern various aspects of their behavior while humans learn many diverse behaviors and abilities generally determined by preference. Likewise, the “knowledge of good and evil” may be deciphered according to moral truth, though mankind, when left unattended, sadly chooses unwisely apart from our Creator. We are truly created in God’s image, and the human brain is the tool that sets the mind apart in the human’s being.
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