
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Where did we get the idea of Eugenics?

Where did we get the idea of Eugenics?

The ascribed value of human life is perhaps a most notable outcrop of the philosophical garden of a man. Perhaps the two most distinguishably diverse frameworks supporting these presuppositions are Darwinian macro-evolution and conversely the Biblical origin of life revealed through a historical grammatical (literal) reading of the creation account in book of Genesis. When discussing the value of life we must directly observe each framework’s cause for the origin of life. Darwinian evolution ascribes a mysterious transformation from nonliving chemicals subsequently followed by plethora of randomly mutated life forms of compounding traits as the origin of man. Contrarily, a Biblical philosophy is grounded upon a personal Creator. Therefore human value is governed upon an “unalienable right” given by God, because “God created man in His own image.” (Gen 1:27)

When asserting the effects in social behavior in a field such as eugenics it becomes apparent how quickly these frameworks contradict. The Eugenics movement can be traced back to Fancis Galton who coined the term in 1883 referring to a “moral philosophy to improve humanity by encouraging the ablest and healthiest people to have more children.” [1] In Galton’s ideal the evolutionary interpretation of natural selection was being helped along by those most fit to recognize its preeminent benefits to humanity. This Ideology was evident in the sterilization movement of the 1920-30’s in America. The first law was passed in Indiana through the influence of Harry Clay Sharp. Sharp wanted vasectomies used to “prevent the transmission of degenerate traits” of prisoners, an apparent outcrop of the Evolutionary mindset. [2] This practice was legalized in 30 states, and eventually practice on citizens deemed mentally ill was legalized in the landmark Buck vs. Bell case. It is no surprise that this ideology spread most quickly and thoroughly among nations who had adopted a Darwinian model of origin. Although, in the case of Buck vs. Bell the supporting scientific evidence was later found to be fraudulent and flawed, over 60,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized through the 1970's. The value of life controversy continues to be battled in America and the world.

Negative eugenics is still practiced today in the form of abortion. Consequently, the majority atheistic, agnostic, and consequently evolutionary school of thought permits parents’ pleasure and reduced economic stress to supersede the paradigm of value given to each human being by the Creator of life. As it is written, “ Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them...” (Psalm 139:16)

[1] Elof Carlson, “Scientific Origins of Eugenics,” Eugenics Archive, (accessed June 27, 2012).
[2] “Buck Vs Bell Supreme Court Decision,” Eugenics Archive, (accessed June 27, 2012).

Thinking About The Brain

Thinking about the Brain

The human brain has approximately 100 billion cells, comparable to the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. What stretch of the mind’s perception to think so vast an array in space could be likewise contained in the 3 lb mass of tissue of our own brain. Institute of Creation Research (ICR) scientists as well as many others who hold to the truth that man has not evolved from lesser life forms hold this powerful tool of the memory in high regard for evidence of God’s handiwork.
The human brain, the supercomputer of the mind, carries out necessary functions using cells called neurons and galials. These cells are transported along memory traces or memory engrams (not to be confused with the erroneous teachings of scientology) allowing the cells to connect via synapses. These functions contain incomprehensibly complex systems, only functionally understood by science, that allow categorized, systematic memory functions to be carried out. A major argument for the functional form in the creation of the brain is the lack in benefit brought about by an incomplete system. However, the fully functioning brain is a mastery of “Supply Chains” that put UPS and just about anything else to shame.

One amazing, yet simple thought about the functioning brain is the nature of memory itself. Without memory communication would be impossible. The mind must have conscious and determined recall of previously stored information. Perhaps even more amazing than systematic organization is the ability to decipher between declarative and procedural information along with the “sorting” of long term, short term, and working memory. These abilities reveal a purpose and plan behind the creation of such a marvelous system.
^he system of memory in the human brain is cleverly unique. Most animals are given instincts that govern various aspects of their behavior while humans learn many diverse behaviors and abilities generally determined by preference. Likewise, the “knowledge of good and evil” may be deciphered according to moral truth, though mankind, when left unattended, sadly chooses unwisely apart from our Creator. We are truly created in God’s image, and the human brain is the tool that sets the mind apart in the human’s being.

Thoughts About The Bible


Have you ever read Popular Mechanics? I really enjoy all the diagrams and photographs with trendy cutting edge gadgets. But, even with all this cool imagery, many of the articles were simply based on concepts; some will work while others will someday look foolish and naive. When men work together they may find a way to produce unified print, yet time will reveal its flaws. However, when we look at the Bible in this way we begin to see a unique collection of writing put together in such a way that time has only further confirmed its accuracy. Although the Bible does address science and technology during different periods of authorship, it is not concerned with social trends or latest, greatest technology. Its information, directions, and commands are nearly inexhaustible in topic yet this collection of writings has one basic purpose; to reveal the Living God and His plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. The account was compiled by more than 30 writers over a span of over 1,500 years between Moses and John yet with perfect harmony of message. 

No other literature can even begin to claim a unity as such. Authors did not seek personal gain, nor did they seek fame as they generally were rejected by the masses because of the messages delivered. This is particularly evident of the Prophets. Speaking on the Lord’s behalf over 3,000 times, they delivered messages of warning, comfort, future hope, or imminent destruction of men. In fact, the truthfulness and historical accuracy of these claims sets the Bible apart from every other book claiming Divine authority. Jesus alone fulfilled dozens of specific Old Testament prophecies indirectly or directly. Josh MacDowel, a former atheist, calculated the odds of Jesus fulfilling merely 8 prophecies at 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. Jesus Himself frequently acknowledged the authority previously revealed about Him. He claimed that the authority was given to Him by the Father on occasions and at other times He revealed His inherent authority as God, such as “to forgive sins.” (Mark 2) This compilation of evidence infers strongly that the Bible is authoritative. As God’s revelation through men, its accuracy and internal witness demand reverence for the commands and guidelines set in place throughout the scripture. Just as the prophecies have come to pass until now, what makes us think that they will cease in our lifetime?
You may think that since God delivered scripture through men that it can’t be trusted. That just isn’t the case. God inspired the original authors as Paul writes that “All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” (2 Tim 3:16). God, through the work of The Holy Spirit guided the writing process in such a way to perfectly communicate His message through Paul, not by Paul’s intuition, understanding of concept, or personal ability. The authorship and authority has been claimed by God, so no other position carries the implication to fruition except God as author through men. Such a collection of writings certainly requires a miraculous act as their cause. Jesus Himself, claimed that “the scripture cannot be broken” in John 10:34-35. Meaning there are no gaps, breaks, or holes by which the content and truthfulness should slip through or be tarnished.
The Bible in its original autograph and intended context is eternally true and accurate in content. It is inerrant. Just as the Apostle Paul claimed scripture to be God-breathed he claimed its authoritative nature in that it “is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." As Jesus has claim to authority in scripture by His unique position, being the perfect fulfillment of prophetic insight, we do well to examine His views of the bible. He says, in John 17:17, “Sanctify them by thy word, thy word is truth.” Jesus is claiming that the inspired Word is Truth. Apart from the internal witness of scripture we also know that the earliest church fathers held a similar view of the Scripture. Likewise, judging the Word of God according to the character of God we know that a God who is “light” must certainly provide only truth in revealing Himself to mankind.
Beyond the honest pursuit of truth, I and millions of others before me have come to experience the truthfulness of God’s Word through its life changing power delivered in the Gospel. Without the life giving Word of God I have no other explanation for my own changed life. A life beginning in deviation even in those things I knew to be wrong. Through relying the Word of God I have become a changed man. That is the nature of the Bible. Its content is powerful, “sharper than any double edged sword,” and its truth will cut to the deepest level, the spirit of a man. As the “Word was made flesh” (John 1:14) the Word of God carries the sanctifying authority of God. What else can we do with the message of our Creator except trust and obey?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Holy-day?

"Christmas  is coming, the goose is getting fat" as has the culture around us. Sometimes it seems  as though the things we love about this celebrated event have little to do with the original purpose of Christmas as a celebration meant to influence pagan culture for the Lord Jesus Christ. Rather the opposite effect has invaded as leaven the Holy-day celebration of the birth of God's only "begotten Son."

As you look nostalgically upon the season of Christmas I encourage you to discern the “spirit of Christmas.” “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God …” (1 John 4:1) There are certainly many honorable traditions that remind us of the incarnate birth. And not to be a Scrooge, but often times certain aspects of Christmas greatly distract from and undermine a true celebration of The Lord Jesus Christ’s birth. Hold up the Apostle John’s test to Christmas traditions that are often times held above our remembrance of God’s only begotten Son. Black Friday bustle fueled by  the expectation of the best presents, Santa, parades, glorious displays of lights; but for whose glory? Is God honored and Christ’s incarnation (becoming human) remembered by the majority of secular traditions that govern many a “Christian home” this time of year? Take care to remember, this innocent babe did not stay in His manger. Would the God of all mankind who gave up His throne to become a servant unto death be honored by commercialism and busyness? Choose well brothers and sisters how you will look forward to this Holy-day season. And, as our friend Charlie Brown has endeavored to find, keep the true meaning of Christmas, The Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, in every tradition to which you hold fast.

By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” (1 John 4:2-3)
